Creating a new community

The development of Westley Green will build upon the Garden City Principles which were established by Sir Ebenezer Howard as part of the Garden City Movement. They remain relevant and, even today, are upheld as the pinnacle of good place-making by organisations like the Town and Country Planning Association. They form the starting point for our approach, but we have evaluated and re-cast them to provide an appropriate foundation for a modern, sustainable community at Westley Green.

The team is establishing a set of rules for the site which build on the spirit and intentions of Sir Ebenezer Howard's original principles and update them for the 21st century and beyond.

Strong vision, community leadership and engagement.

Beautifully and imaginatively designed homes with gardens, combining the best of town and country to create healthy communities, and including opportunities to grow food.

Mixed-tenure homes and housing types that are genuinely affordable

A wide range of local jobs within easy travel distance of homes.

Integrated and accessible transport systems, with walking, cycling and public transport designed to be the most attractive forms of local transport.

A wide range of local jobs within easy travel distance of homes.

Community stewardship of public open space and facilities.

Development that enhances the natural environment, providing a comprehensive green infrastructure network and net biodiversity gains, and that uses zero-carbon and energy-positive technology to ensure climate resilience.

Strong cultural, recreational and retail facilities in walkable, vibrant, sociable neighbourhoods.

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